Monday, August 15, 2011

The hell kind of crate is a "democrate"?

The bold and ubiquitous "anonymous" had this to say after an item regarding Rick "Secessionist for Prez" Perry (posted August 15, 2011 on the blog Down with Tyranny):

Most consertive in the state of Texas remember that Perry was a democrate, he only moved when the democrate party could no longer lie enough to elect rural canidates to any state wide office or local office. But make no mistake about it Perry has the old south democrate genes.
He is big govt when he wants to be,and small govt anyother time.
But his roots are in the democrate party, his roots are in the democrate party his roots are in the democrate party.
Please know that his roots are in the democrate party.

I'm sorry, where are his roots, again?

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