Saturday, August 13, 2011

THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL: "This is the worst movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is the worst movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This review is from: The Boys From Brazil (DVD)

I watched this movie in school, and I hated it!!! First of all, there's so many disgusting pictures, like naked people! (ewwww...) Towards the end of the movie, there's a part where two men fights against each other. One of them bit the other one's ear! Then there's three dogs biting a person until the person is died... I am totally grossed out!!!!!!!!!! I've watched another movie called Charlie. While I was watching it, I fell asleep. It was bored to death. I've never fell asleep while watching a movie before, so I thought this will be the worst movie. But not anymore! The Boy From Brazil is the worst movie now! It sucked! I don't ever want to watch it ever AGAIN!!!!!!!
POSTED on AMAZON.COM, November 2004

Ew, naked people. I'm wondering what school showed this movie and in what class? Civics? American History? German?

1 comment:

  1. Duh car duh man crashed the other guy in bottles early is da car I used to drive but myan old with lotsa holes innit not shiny like in this gay movie. I liked that prt cause fun to see myold car but the rest was boring until the dog biting part witch I like kinda liked too.
