By B**** (Your Moms Pussy)
This review is from: Sandinista!
This Cd Is Crap Crap Crap!!! No Good Songs , Sounds Horrible and was a waste of my 19.99 at my mall. This is so bad!! blam this horible work. People who listen to this should try listening to OPERATION IVY.
POSTED on AMAZON.COM, November, 2003
I realize that SANDINISTA! is the most galvanizing of the Clash's albums, and won't argue that there is some filler on the record. It's not my favorite Clash side, but I do love it and have been defending this thing since it came out in 1981, particularly noting its significance as a representation of how forward thinking and experimental punk's best band was. Now, as for Your Moms Pussy's review, subjectivity goes out the window when he suggests that people listen to Operation Ivy instead. Oh, Your Moms Pussy. I feel sorry for you.
I'd like to punch Your Mom's Pussy right in the face, which is not something I ever thought I'd write.