Friday, August 12, 2011

MICHAEL CLAYTON: "Without Rooney this would have been straight to DVD"

1.0 out of 5 stars A Very Boring Film
This review is from: Michael Clayton (Widescreen Edition) (DVD)
In truth this movie could have told the story in 30 minutes there is really so little to tell!! George Rooney walks through it like he is half asleep and the story ( for what it's worth) took so long to unfold I had trouble staying awake myself. Tilda Swinton should receive an award for over-acting. It was so boring I really did'nt care what happened to the leading characters long before the end! The only action I remember was the car exploding but there is lots and lots of dialogue. Without Rooney this would have been straight to DVD.
Posted on, March 2008

You know, this guy's right, this really wasn't George Rooney's best performance. And there's all that talking. YAY, CAR BLOWED UP! Oh, damn, more talking... I liked Rooney better when he was on E.C.

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